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The slightly roasted South American arabica grains and their high altitude origins give this arabica its aromatic character, while roasting reveals all the flavor of the grain. The Nespresso® * Volluto Decaffeinato has an intensity of 4 on the Nespresso®* scale. Its aromatic profile is "biscuit, fruity and balanced", like the Nespresso®* Volluto.


A comment about the Nespresso®* Volluto Decaffeinato highlights its delicious flavors for a 100% pure arabica coffee. It has indeed the fruity flavor typical of arabica grain. Moreover, this coffee is decaffeinated, to the delight of the coffee lovers. This combination of characteristics gives this espresso a velvety softness ideal for coffee lovers.

Volluto Decaf

    Intensity 4

    • BITTERNESS ● ● ○ ○ ○
    • ACIDITY ● ● ● ○ ○
    • BODY ● ● ○ ○ ○
    • ROASTING ● ● ○ ○ ○
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