Cafiza Powder 20oz


Cafiza Espresso Machine Cleaning Powder Concentrated formula eliminates residue in group heads, valves, and lines. Foam and solubility balanced for powerful cleaning and optimal rinsing. Integral to the daily backflush regimen. Recommended for use with a wide range of traditional espresso machines.

Select video to see how to descale your machine.

How To Use

How to Backflush

1.Insert blind filter in portafilter and add up to 1/2 teaspoon
(3 g) of Cafiza Powder.

2.Insert portafilter into group head. Activate brew cycle for 10 seconds. Stop 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

3.Remove portafilter and activate brew cycle and rinse portafilter in stream of water from group head.

4.Reinsert portafilter without cleaning powder. Activate brew cycle for 10 seconds. Stop 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

5.Replace blind filter with standard basket. Make a cup of espresso to remove any traces of cleaner.

6.Discard espresso – do not drink.

How to Clean Parts and Accessories

1.Create a soaking solution using 6 g of powder for every liter of hot water.

2.Place dirty part in the cleaning solution. If soaking a portafilter, do not submerge the handle.

3.Allow the part to soak for 30 minutes.

4.Remove the part and rinse with fresh water.



SKU: WEB 588ESP1220 Category:

Cafiza Powder 20oz
